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My Beauty Group
My Beauty Group are UK distributors and suppliers for Simildiet Laboratories. Simildiet offer a range of high quality skincare guaranteeing maximum results for both the industry professionals and home use.
Simildiet Laboratories is a Spanish laboratory established in 1993. Their main activity is the research, development, manufaure and commercialisation of phytotherapeutic and cosmeceutical products with tested therapeutic action, free from side effects and contraindications, as well as products which may be applied by different techniques used in the Aesthetic Medicine.
Anti Aging Products
Simildet Anti-Ageing Cream and Serums. Target fine lines and wrinkles, leaving the skin feeling smooth, hydrated and fresher.
Skin Peels
Simildiet Skin Peels are of fantastic quality giving amazing results whether its sever acne, depigmentation, scarring, anti-aging, lightening. There us a peel to treat every skin condition.
Skin Activ Mesotherapy
Our Skin Activ Mesotherapy system is a needle free machine. It works perfectly with Simildiet products giving fantastic results using electroporation. The Skin Activ system can be used on the face and body treating fine lines and wrinkles, hydration, cellulite, stretch marks, acne scars, acne, open pores, skin blemishes, depigmentation.
We offer a range of dermcosmetic ranging from micellar water and degreasing lotion to sunscreen, Condrol gel, Lipotrofin cream, post treatment cream.
Xtra Line
Simildiet Xtra Line combines traditonal active principles with biomimetic peptides allowing Simildiet to position themselves jn the borderline of the most advanced cosmeceuticals. The use of biomimetic peptides involves acting in the most inner mechanisms of the cell physiology. Xtra Line incudes Firming, Hair Restorer, Anti-Ageing, Lightening, Skin Repair, Slimming.
Simidiets food supplements aim to complement the usual diet. They consist of concentrated sources of nutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect: medicinal plants, minderals , vitamins, amino acids. they are completely homeopathic and have been specifically developed to close the circle of our in-out integral therapy.
Simildiet laboritories
Please check out our Simildiet range of products we use for mesotherapy